Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cal Thomas is a CPAC fucking fuck. We'd never hear of him if he didn't whore himself out to faux news as a fuckball.

There are prostitutes that wear fishnets and red lipstick. Hopefully they use contraceptives and have access to antibiotics. Buyer beware. Then there are whores like Cal Thomas, who I don't think is intelligent enough to handle used condoms carefully, but after hearing him speak, he isn't qualified to do much else. He's getting airplay on (guess where?) Faux News... this is what he said in response to  logical and rational points made by Rachel Maddow regarding the BIG FAT PHONY-ASSED ARGUMENT OVER CONTRACEPTION & THE CATHOLIC CHURCH... He said, "  I think that she is the best argument in favor of her parent’s using contraception. I would be all for that! And all of the rest of the crowd at MSNBC, too, for that matter.”
So...this asspanda is someone the rightwingnuts look to for providing one of those phony convenient principles that's surfacing now to combat better unemployment numbers and other truths inconvenient to the 'Conservatives'. My, look how quickly he abandons his issues with birth control to try and take a poke at Rachel. Admirable, huh? For the right wing wackos it has become this contrived  fight over the Catholic Church providing birth control,as part of the health benefit package, the same way any other employer must.
I guess it doesn't matter that most Catholic women use birth control. I guess it doesn't matter that 28 states have already legislated this, with none of these windbags blowing smoke.
Just wondering about all this outrage-
Where the hell were these jackasses when the priests were abusing little children?
Where the hell were these self-righteous zealots when the Church perpetrated the massive cover-up and protected all the pervs?
We need protection FROM organized religion- organized religion does not need protection from us.
When is the last time an insane atheist took a semi-automatic weapon to his family or co-workers?
I can't remember.Go back and search news's always 'good christians'  or 'church goers'  that arm themselves and destroy.
Please God, protect me from the Christian Right and the shit the republicans try to pull when the rest of us are trying to earn a living.
I'm pissed off- and I'm over being polite. Heaven help the next bible thumper I come in contact with. It won't be pretty.  If for one moment, these religious fruitcakes showed the same respect for my feelings (no religion) as they expect for theirs, I'd shut up. BUT THEY DON'T. They want to take away birth control, freedom, and choice. They can expect an ugly, brutal fight- it's obviously what they want.
I'm also happy as hell Rachel Maddow's parents had her- thank you Rachel, for having the courage to stand up to scum like Cal Thomas. He's not worthy of shining her shoes.

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