Thursday, July 21, 2011

Donate cash to Debbie Wasserman Shultz in Allen West's name- one way to piss off that jackhole.

Allen West (Asspanda-R-FL) went off on a personal attack on Democrat Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, after she dared to challenge the Republicans.  What's good for the goose...Allen West is worthless, unless we use him as a Demo-fundraiser.
She challenged policy, he attacked her personally, so as far as I'm concerned,the gloves are off. Based only on his behavior; he's a fucking fuckball, and we should all (on the matter of principle alone) cough up a few bucks to her re-election campaign, and do it in Allen West's name. He made his attack personal, so that must be what he understands.  To quote someone he'll understand...BRING IT ON....What it's really about is a thinking woman; far smarter and more courageous than he, who dares to have an opinion of her own, and if he were in my house, he'd last about 3 minutes. After we blasted him on policy, he'd have to apologize to women, seniors, dogs and cats, the entire population of  the United States, (sans tea party) as well as anyone with an IQ over 10, and then he'd have to sit quietly and think about all the bad choices he has made. There is simply no room for people like this in the system.
Bottom line...give $ to Debbie Wasserman Shultz because she's got as much heart and soul as Allen West has slime.

Here are some good links:
These people said it better than I did....

If you really want to piss off Alan's Debbie's site- make a contribution.

Then, tell that nasty-assed Allen West what you did....

Way to teach the fucking fuckballs a lesson.

I'm so done here.


  1. Done. Probably my only political donation this year. Thanks for the great idea - and my new favorite saying... "turd of misery."

  2. Hey thanks Jan...sorry about the delay posting...we've been moving furniture- something I hate more than right wingnuts. FYI...Grandma Schneider, the origninator of 'Turd of Misery' would be tickled!

  3. My first time here cuz I was googling my blog! Thanks for the linky love, much appreciated!
